My 2 Cents on Online Credibility

Let's take a minute to acknowledge something very crucial to generating leads online.

Your online credibility.

Do you know how you score in this category? Do you even know how to rate yourself? 

By online credibility I am referring to the places where people go to find out information about your business (e.g. Yelp, Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc...). Depending on your target market, certain listings are more valuable than others, but all of these listings share a common goal. 

To let people know that you exist and (if you're good at what you do) that other people like you!! 

This is an excellent opportunity to build confidence with people that are interested in your business. it's also a BIG miss when someone becomes interested in the business (i.e. paid advertising) and then loses interest because they can't find any supporting info about you out on the web. 

Imagine a scenario where a local plumber is paying Facebook to promote an awesome video about important and often overlooked plumbing solutions for an aging home. Someone who just bought an older home in the area is immediately interested and is considering hiring a plumber to help renovate the home. She does a quick search of the plumber's business and sees 0 reviews, 2 different phone numbers from Yelp and Google+, and obviously outdated or missing information everywhere else. She can see all of this information clearly on 1 or 2 pages too... You can bet that this search is having an impact on her psyche, and that it happens all the time in every industry across the U.S.

Do yourself a favor and run a test on your business. Here's a free and easy resource for you to get a look at where your credibility holes are:

Plug the holes. Clean up the data. Give confidence to those interested in your business. 


Maps & Other Vital Listings For Your Local Business